Hypnotherapy for warts (verruca vulgaris): 41 consecutive cases with 33 cures

Am J Clin Hypn. 1992 Jul;35(1):1-10., Ewin DM.,Tulane Medical School, New Orleans, LA.


Published, controlled studies of the use of hypnosis to cure warts are confined to using direct suggestion in hypnosis (DSIH), with cure rates of 27% to 55%. Prepubertal children respond to DSIH almost without exception, but adults often do not. Clinically, many adults who fail to respond to DSIH will heal with individual hypnoanalytic techniques that cannot be tested against controls. By using hypnoanalysis on those who failed to respond to DSIH, 33 of 41 (80%) consecutive patients were cured, two were lost to follow-up, and six did not respond to treatment.